October 03, 2018
Women In Business Wednesday: Sarah Choi
Think of Sarah Choi as the mother hen of the RVA community. She's a doer, mover and connector who helps to bring ideas to reality. Her passion as a marketer and community builder led her to start an ongoing event IGERSRVA (Instagrammers of Richmond). A meet up that encompasses entrepreneurs of all backgrounds and Instagram enthusiasts. For almost a year, Sarah's been doing all that moving and shaking with a little one by her side. They visited the store recently and we got to catch up a bit.
P.S Click on the photos to shop Max's looks.
What is unique about being an entrepreneur in RVA?
I think Richmond is small enough that you can get noticed for doing something consistently fairly easily, but a big enough so there is room for multiple players. I love that our culture is more collaborative than competitive.
What would your clients say your strongest asset is?
Execution. I enjoy developing strategies and thinking things through, but the most thoughtful strategy doesn't get to shine unless you execute it. I remind my clients this often and help them project manage all the moving pieces so we stay on track and get things done.
What's one piece of advice you know now, that you would have given yourself before starting your business?
Believe in your gift and that it has value. Also, a man with much less qualification than you would think he is suited for the job that you think you aren't good enough for. So stop wasting time doubting and go do it.
Where is your favorite RVA spot to take your little one?
Bean used to go wherever I go, but now that he is getting more mobile at almost a year old, I like taking him to open spaces such as Pony Pasture. I hope I get to introduce him to quiet, meditative time away from all the stimuli while he is young, so he is not waiting until he is stressed out to seek balance like most of my adult friends and myself did in our adulthood.